Oshki Kizis
Oshki Kizis - Our VAW Shelter
Oshki Kizis Lodge is operated by Minwaashin Lodge - Indigenous Women's Support Centre. We are a 25-bed shelter for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women & children who are fleeing abuse. By empowering women, we assist them on their healing path to a safe & healthy place. We support the family unit holistically by showing awareness and respect for individual and cultural beliefs, spirituality and diversity.

Services Provided
Support & Advocacy
​Our residents receive assistance in accessing housing, financial, legal and medical resources.
24/7 Support
We have staff providing around the clock support and care.
Cultural Teachings
We will help connect you to Elders, traditional teachings, and crafts
Child Support
We will provide support to your children, including counselling, child relief, and advocacy.
Client Testimonial
“Minwaashin has been a fundamental stepping stone for me in my greatest time of need. They offered me a safe & secure living space. The staff are sincere, compassionate & kind. I’m forever grateful for the opportunities & support they continue to offer me. I was able to remove myself from a violent & unstable living situation.
Chii Miigwech for the new beginning, Minwaashin!”
~ C