Minwaashin Lodge
Indigenous Women's Support Centre
Respecting Women is our Culture
Minwaashin Lodge provides a range of programs and services to First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and children (regardless of status) who are survivors of domestic and other forms of violence, and who may also be suffering the effects of the residential school system. All programs and services are provided in the context of cultural beliefs and values to ensure a holistic approach is used as part of the healing journey.

We envision a world where all of creation, the earth, the air, the waters, animals and people are safe, honoured and respected; where children and elders are valued; where culture and diversity are celebrated.
Our programs are based off the Life-Cycle Model
We offer a range of programs and services, including employment, culture, children & youth, counselling, housing, and transitional support.
24/7 Support
We have a crisis line. Call us for support and resources.
(613) 789-1141
We offer services in English and French
Our main office is also accessible by wheelchair. We have plenty of free parking. Please note our office is scent free.
Emergency VAW Shelter
Oshki Kizis is our 25 bed shelter for Indigenous women and children fleeing abuse and violence.
Learn more